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This 2-part infographic educates drivers, owners, and salespeople about the subtle differences between Personal Transportation Vehicles (PTV/Golf carts) and Low-Speed Vehicles (LSV’s).  At first glance, they may appear the same, but their significant differences lie in their safety equipment and rules of the road.
Vehicle Dealers and Owners



Project Type

Georgia Law

To Protect Drivers


Golf carts are not just for golf courses anymore!

Golf carts and low-speed vehicles have become more popular as alternate forms of transportation, and it is common to see them driven in neighborhoods and around local communities. They are increasingly convenient and efficient, as most are electric. With anything that becomes increasingly popular, people are unaware and uneducated about the safety issues surrounding these vehicles on roadways. Think about bikers, motorists, motorcyclists, scooterists, and now “carters” who share the roadway!


How can people stay safe in golf carts, on and off public roads? This infographic is a complete guide to golf cart safety, including a few essential tips to keep in mind. claims:
there are 100,000 to 200,000 accidents per year involving people in golf carts according to statistics pulled from The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System database, and that number is rising as more people invest in this alternative driving solution.

Georgia Law Code § 40-6-331 
distinguishes between golf carts and low-speed-vehicles (LSVs). There are different sets of rules concerning who can operate each type and how each vehicle must be equipped when driven on state roads. These laws are written to maintain the highest levels of safety for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

Golf cart drivers should always drive defensively. Other drivers on the road are not accustomed to looking out for golf carts/LSV’s. Because it is an open-air vehicle, drivers and passengers are subject to injury at low speeds, as well as the cart can easily  be damaged.


Design and develop an ‘At a Glance’ infographic useful to drivers and owners and be a valuable marketing tool for salespeople to offer to potential buyers. Golf cart rentals are very popular in any beach town or vacation spot, and weekly/daily renters would feel more confident having a resource in hand that describes their new ‘toy’ accurately. It would benefit the rental companies to print, laminate, and attach this double-sided infographic to every vehicle. I always appreciate an interesting, comprehensive explanation of anything I am using for the first time.


Current or prospective owners of a PTV (not on golf courses) or LSV; PTV and LSV dealerships;  second-party seller (Lowe’s, Home Depot, Tractor Supply, etc.) or vehicle rental companies.

Problem & Solution

There are a handful of families in our neighborhood who own a golf cart or a LSV and no one seems to know the state or local laws- where they can drive and with what equipment the vehicle needs to be outfitted. Families bought their golf cart from a retailer, second-hand from a golf course, or from a manufacturer dealership. We bought ours from Lowes, and while it came with a VIN, we were not told anything about Georgia law or given any paperwork.

Our family vacationed at the beach for Spring Break and walked into XL Carts dealership to see what brands they sell and if they had a certain accessory that would fit our cart back home. A salesman handed us an informational flyer about new laws in their county. It described the many differences between PTV’s and LSV’s, the allowances for driving on roads based on speed limit, and marketing about how the dealership takes care of the vehicle registration as part of the purchase price and customer service.

This interaction brought a few things to our attention. The first being that our “golf cart” was actually a LSV and we need to insure it. The second clarified where and how to drive ours on streets outside our neighborhood.  

I researched Georgia law because of our own gap in knowledge and surmised that we are not the only ones who would be surprised to know their “golf cart” may be something else and would require further attention.


I utilized an array of green-blue hues and a few pops of pink and orange. The nature of golf carts is on display as the purpose of owning one is to be outdoors enjoying beautiful days with your family and friends. All graphics   were sourced from Canva in complimentary colors.

It was a challenge to condense all the information on equipment and safety laws, so icons and images were utilized wherever appropriate to replace text. I had to be careful about respecting negative space, so as not to overwhelm the learner from a visual standpoint.

In the Required Nighttime Equipment section, I chose a dark background and changed all images to white, with the bright orange font color. This decision was to depict the moon and stars and bright lights required for nighttime driving.

The road signs from 20mph to 35mph to 55mph are shown in green, yellow, and red to reflect the colors of a traffic light.  The stop sign draws users’ attention to the few items that one must not do when operating a vehicle.

Contrast & Repetition

Canva Sans font family was used throughout- 36 all caps for headings, 21 all caps for subtitles, 18 for body

The front side uses more font colors to draw the distinction between the two types of vehicles in a fun way.

The back side uses black font to reflect the seriousness of the laws described.


The final design is visually appealing and focuses the users’ attention on the responsibilities of owning and operating a vehicle, which can be a lot of fun, but comes with inherent risks.
I'd love to                                 with you.
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